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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

What Lay May Sey...

Sey climbs up on her rocking horse now!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sey had a doctor appt. today. It went well. He thinks she is just fine. She did catch a cold from me yesterday so that stinks. She has a runny nose. Poor girl. Good timing. I hope we do not infect the whole clan tomorrow. :(
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What Lay May Sey...

Sleepy girl clutching her favorite blanket in her big girl car seat
--She is doing good. Temp tonight 99.4

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What Lay May Sey...

Thank you for all of your prayers! Sey has been seizure free. Praise the Lord! Hopefully, it will stay that way. Each night she has had a fever, but last night it was 99.7. Looks like it is on its way out. Hopefully, tonight will be fever free! She has been pretty cranky lately. She must still not feel her old self yet. Today I am letting her sleep instead of going to church. She woke at 8:45, but was really cranky so I fed her and put her back in bed. Right now she is in there talking, but at least she is not crying.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What Lay May Sey...
I thought this was informative. I believe Sey had complex febrile seizures. There is family history of this with Mason and Rhiannon.

I am so tired, but I must write....
Tuesday morning I decided to stop breast feeding altogether. I had been breast feeding Sey once a day for a month so I figured it was about time we dropped our last morning feeding since she was in such a great mood. I fed her her typical oatmeal and applesauce and sip of milk(that is all she will drink of milk). Mason, Sey and I then went into town for fun. We checked our numbers at Bi-mart :-) , walked around the mall and found a blow up nativity set that we bought, and found Rocketman the movie at a second hand store. We ate lunch at Jack in the Box. I fed Sey burger and fries and ice water. We got home around 3pm. Sey was really tired since we were out for quite a while. She went right down for a nap. Mason and I then had a blast watching Rocketman. While I was making chicken spaghetti around 5pm, Sey started what we call "grumping." Mason decided to go ahead and get her immediately instead of waiting a little while to go get her like usual. We believe that that was a God moment. Well, he found her lying on her back, grunting, twitching, unresponsive. He yelled for me, grabbed her, and ran with her into the kitchen where I was. I took her. She was limp, eyes looking to the left, respiration erratic, body twitching. I checked her mouth to make sure nothing was in there. Probably not the wisest thing to do since she clamped tiny teeth hard on to my finger, but it was just the first thing I could think of to do. I grabbed my purse, and we ran out to the car. We decided to call the ambulance since her respiration was so irregular and since we really did not know what was wrong with her, and we were both a wreck. I could not bear the thought of putting her in her car seat when I was not sure if she may stop breathing. My emotions totally shut down and Mason's became very excitable. I sat in the car with Sey for what seemed like an eternity, but was about 10 minutes. Sey's groaning became louder, but she put my hood string in her mouth. That comforted me a little. She loves to do that. Well, by the time the ambulance came Sey was still groaning and was so extremely tired, but she was focusing on people for short periods of time. We decided to go ahead and take her in our own car to the hospital since she seemed to be breathing more regularly. On the way to the hospital she was fumbling with her pass(pacifier). She was uncoordinated. Her temp was a little over 100 when we first got to the hospital. Where did that come from? She seemed so extremely healthy and happy. By the time we were in an ER room, Sey was tired but tried so hard to make everybody happy by doing her usual endearing things like giggle, wave, blow kisses, snuggle. She is one amazing little girl. They took blood, and we were waiting for a urine sample in those lovely little urine baggies. The Doctor said that she probably had a seizure and that if the tests came back OK we would be able to go home. I was holding Sey watching America's Funniest Videos on one of those cool little movable TVs. Mason said, "Is she doing it again?" I looked down at her. Her head was facing to the left; her eyes were fixed to the left. She would not respond. One side of her body was twitching. I said, "I don't think so." How stupid am I? Very, I think. It was a huge denial on my part. Mason said, "Should I call the nurse." and I said "OK. fine." A couple nurses came in and they said "Wow, She is seizing." I held her on my lap as she convulsed and drooled. That just wrenched our hearts to see such a little one so overcome by something we could do nothing about but cry out to God to help her. They gave her a shot of ativan and ordered a stat Cat scan. Her pulse ox which should be in the 90s was in the low 60s to high 50s so we blew oxygen in her face. Ten minutes later she still was not responding so they gave her another dose of ativan. A minute later she slowly started to groan like she was groaning in bed at home earlier. Who knows how long at home she had been having a seizure before Mason found her. She very slowly became more responsive, but she was exhausted. Mason and I carried her to the Cat scan and then back to the ER. Next, they had to start an IV to give her IV anti-seizure medication. Nine agonizing pokes later they got a viable vein! By that time we saw that she had the urine sample so that was sent out. Mason called his parents and sister and my parents and siblings and the church prayer line to let them know what was going on. Brian from church came to anoint her with oil and pray for her. Half an hour later they had to do a lumbar puncture to test for spinal meningitis. She was so tired that she fell asleep halfway through the lumbar puncture! Our little girl was poked 14 times! She had a temp of 101.5 and they gave her a Tylenol suppository. After a time we heard that each test came back normal. Praise God! They wanted her to stay overnight for observation and to have an EEG in the morning. We called family to let them know what was going on. After the lumbar Sey slept until 2 am which was when they finally found us a room, started a continuous fluid IV drip, and let her eat. She was ravenously hungry. I have never seen a kid so hungry or thirsty. One yogurt, 2 applesauce, a pack of graham crackers, and 200 cc of apple juice/water later, she threw up. Her little tummy could not handle it. Poor little girl was so tired but too wound up. She just laid on me and complain grunted for 2 hours. That time I will never forget. She was so needy. I thank God that He has given her to us. We are so blessed. I would have gladly held her until my arms fell off if it would help her. She finally went to sleep around 5am. She had a few visitors throughout Wednesday. Moogie, Gumpy, Ry, Shae, Taiah, Asa, Bob, Abbie, Ben, Katie, Ivy:-) She loved to be held by Gumpy. She got her huge white bear we call Fuzzy Wuzzy, some pink striped PJs, and a cool helium balloon. Whenever someone she knew came in she would get so excited, flap her little wings, clap, and make happy noises. It was so sad though because she would quickly tire and just lay there. She was just not herself. She refused to walk. Had a fever off and on all day. Around 11:40am her EEG was started. The tech marked 28 spots on Sey's head and taped 28 electrodes on her head. That was really stressful and upsetting to Sey. It was really bad when the tech had to pull off all the tape and all her hair! Now she is really bald! The doctor wanted us to stay another night for observation and then in the morning if the EEG was normal we would get to go home. Wednesday night was a better night. She started out with a temp of 101.something and then throughout the rest of the night after one dose of Tylenol her temp stayed down. Sey was happy to sleep in the big metal crib because Mason went home earlier that day and brought in Sey's favorite blankets out of her own crib. It is so cute to see her with her blue pooh blanket and her pink checker blanket. She pulls the blue one up over her face and rubs her nose and cheek with it then she turns over onto her tummy and her little butt sticks up in the air as she sleeps wrapped around both blankets. Mason and I were able to get a couple hours of sleep. Can you imagine me and Mason sleeping on a twin mattress together? We did it. His head at one end, and my head at the other end. We were so tired; it was actually wonderful. Thursday morning the IV drip was stopped. Sey's temp was down all day. She even started to walk again. That was encouraging. The two Dave's from church came to pray with us, and Pastor Phil came in and gave Sey a white stuffed puppy dog who we named Blueberry because Sey gave the dog a blue kiss after eating blueberries for lunch. Dad also came by to check on her. The EEG was normal. The Doctor wanted us to stay until Thursday evening. Mason was lying on the twin bed, and Sey slept quite a while lying on her Daddy's chest this afternoon. It was so sweet. We ended up leaving after 5pm. Poor Sey ended up distrustful of everyone she did not know. She was afraid that they would hurt her. We got home and ate PaPa Murphy's pizza. Sey did not eat much. She was so tired. Her fever returned. 102.2 rectally tonight at 6:45pm. I gave her Tylenol and put her to bed. At exactly 11pm she woke up. Her temp was 100.3. I gave her Tylenol again just to be on the safe side. I do not know how much of this makes since. I will have to edit this another time. I need to go to bed. I just want to say that God was with us every step of this crazy time. He is so good! He helped us. He showed us His love through our family and friends. Our family and friends rock! They have been a great support and great prayer warriors. Thank you so much! Please continue to keep Sey in prayer. Please pray that she will not have any more seizures. We still do not know why she is having fevers--some weird virus without any other symptoms.
Psalm 73:26 "My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever."
Psalm 46:1-2 "God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea."
Boy, did I fear, but I thank God that this verse is there as a reminder. What a mess we would be without Him!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What Lay May Sey...

Ocean sighting

Selah now has 6 teeth! Three on the bottom and three on top. :-)

We went to the coast yesterday. We had an informative time at the Bandon fish hatchery. Have you ever seen what they do once a week? Eeeegh! We then ate a picnic lunch at Bandon State Park and walked to the beach where Mason and Selah climbed rocks. We then went to the Bandon shops and Coos Bay.

Thursday, November 1, 2007