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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sey muscle
Our swimming pool! She thinks it is the greatest!

Sitting cousins

Mason bought me the biggest prettiest petunia in the world, I think!



Friday, August 8, 2008

Mye's 36 week ultrasound pic. She was face down and low so it was hard to get a good face pic. Everything is good. Her weight estimate was 6lb 6oz. Amniotic fluid is also a bit over normal but good. She was a wiggling and a kicking. We are thankful.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blogger will not let me get rid of the widget or even change it. It is definitely wrong datewise! I do not want to be pregnant an extra month! One more month until due date...
We see sweet Mye on Monday(ultrasound). That is exciting for me! I have been taking it easy. My hip pain and sharp abdominal pain above my belly button slows me down, but at least I am able to take care of Selah. She is napping right now.