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Friday, June 17, 2011

I like to put on here whenever the girls have a seizure, and Mye's last one was May 19. This is just a copy of what I wrote on her seizure tracker on May 19. It is encouraging to me that the seizure did not happen until her temp was really high. She has not had a seizure for almost a month now. She has been doing well~ornery, but well. ;)

Possible Triggers:  Irregular sleep; Fever; Sick - complained of sore mouth
Notes: Had 100 degree temp evening before. Not eating as much.
Description: Change in awareness; Loss of urine or bowel control; Loss of ability to communicate; Automatic repeated movements; Muscle stiffness in whole body; Muscle twitch in whole body;
Notes: I heard her moaning/crying at 3:30am. Found Mye lying in fetal postition, moaning and shaking. Took her temp: 103.5, rectally. Attempted to bring temp down by removing PJs and applying cool cloth to head. She then went into a grand mal type seizure. I grabbed the diastat and injected syringes at 3:33am. Half way through the second syringe she came out of the seizure. I gave her the whole dose anyway(5mg total).
Post Event: Unable to communicate; Muscle weakness; Sleepy; Severe startle reflex
Notes: Lying very still. Breath faint. Slight blood in drool. Possibly bit tongue. Continued with cooling measures. Had a severe startle reflex in which she grabbed at anything and everything with a vise like grip every time she was moved. She would also jerk her whole body whenever moved or touched. Awake enough by 3:50 to take some Ibu, By 7am Temp 98.9, rectally. Took her into urgent care around 10:30 after she was rested up. Ear Infection. Put on zithromax
Here are just a few pictures of our 2 week long trip the beginning of May. So hard to decide which ones to put. Ry and Shae lead us all the way to their home at the Tres Cruces base in Mexico where we were able to stay for 5 beautiful days while May taught Evangelism at the school there. The kids had fun together playing in mud, dancing, swimming, eating...

You can faintly see the 3 crosses on the hill.

Miss these 2 munchkins. (their parents too. ;)

Little grub balls. Enjoyed picking the fruit of the trees.

We were then blessed to visit with my aunts, uncles, and cousins in southern California.

Aunt Pam, and my cousins CJ and Shane 

My cousin, Austin

My cousin, Samantha

We then went to Palm Springs to visit with May's sister, Rhiannon, and his Mom.

Went to a cactus garden

So happy Aunt Rhiannon got to meet the girls!

In San Jose we were able to visit with Ray, Pauline, and baby Ava.

Then off to Santa Rosa where we got to see May's Dad and Carol.

May's step-brother, Robert, and Lena and new baby Victoria

Came back home and Sey and the crew had an award ceremony on the last Calvary Kids Club night of this year.