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Sunday, May 10, 2009

I am blessed more than I can say to be the mother of these beautiful girls!
A little over 3 years ago I did not think we were going to be able to have any kids then -wham- 2 girls with wild and crazy hair. Wow. I am in awe and sooo blessed!
God, thank you, for this opportunity. Give us wisdom on how to raise these two treasures to be women after your heart!
The last few years this day has been bittersweet. I still remember how it tears ones heart out each Mother's day when you want to be a mother but cannot.
Father, please comfort both M and H and their husbands who are waiting for their children; however, they come. Bless them. Amen


Faerylandmom said...

They're sooooo precious! My eyes are tearing up a bit...

Mama in Uganda said...

Blessed beauties!