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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Peace and Joy
I love this picture of Sey. I long for the feeling expressed.
I pray she has many moments of pure joy and peace throughout her homeschool adventure and life!
I thought surely Jesus would come before we had to begin our children's formal education.
(My way of trying to get out of curriculum decision making, I believe.) I suppose kindergarten is not quite formal, but close enough.
Well, we looked around and decided on Heart of Dakota for this year.
Thank you , Abbie.
I don't know if we would have looked at this curriculum if it was not for you guys.

Today was Sey's first day of kindergarten.
Daddy was home to participate.
We started off giving Sey's little frog freedom.
We then zoomed right along through Little Hearts for His Glory unit 1, day 1.
Quite painless.
God is good.
To Him be the glory!


At the end of the day Sey said, "I liked it!"
I do believe, she did. ;)

Our School name is
Good Knight School of the Way.

In John 14:6 Jesus says, 
"I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me."

An Ephesians 6 Good Knight in the army of God is what we desire.
Looking for a relevant picture to go along with the name,
I found a blog by a woman named Nadene called Practical Pages. 
She has a couple daughters who she sketches for.
She lets people use her practical pages as long as she is given credit.
Quite generous! Check it out.
Below is a link to her full armor of God sketch that we have hanging in our schoolroom. 

1 comment:

Mama in Uganda said...

Well done, Mama.

Many blessings as you teach your daughters in the Way of the Lord.
