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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dad has been having some difficulty breathing, retaining water, and is achy. Possibly home Sat?

Lovin the sun and freedom
Yes, I did torture her for this shot. ;) She has 6 teeth. The top front right one will pop out any minute. It kind of looks out in this pic, but it is just swollen.
She got this bling from Calvary Kids Club last night. She just had to wear it all morning.


Mama in Uganda said...

She is so precious. Thanks for sharing the photos. And grateful to the Lord for continuing to give your dad "breath" (life).

Mama in Uganda said...

She is so precious. Thanks for sharing the photos. And grateful to the Lord for continuing to give your dad "breath" (life).

;-) said...

Thank you. Yes, we are so thankful.